Abstract: In recent years, new technologies have appeared that represent effective alternatives to the classic methods. The diode laser has revolutionized the minimally invasive techniques through...
Common femoral artery – the final frontier in peripheral endovascular treatment? Abstract: During the last decade the endovascular approach became the first treatment option in patients...
The first reports of hybrid surgery were in 1970. Since then, their numbers have grown exponentially with the development of endovascular techniques. The procedures were initially...
Abstract. Approximately one in 20 chronic heart failure patients progresses to the terminal stage annually, a number that is expected to rise in the next decades....
The Mitral Valve in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy Abstract: Beside the asymmetric hypertrophy of the left ventricle, a near constant anomaly has been described in hypertrophic obstructive...
Abstract: Open surgery for the thoracic aorta pathology has raised special problems throughout its evolution, due to its reducible complexity as well as high morbidity and...
În perioada 23-25 noiembrie Clujul își deschide porțile pentru cea de-a 18-a ediție a Congresului Național al Societății Române de Chirurgie Cardiovasculară, eveniment de o înaltă...
Our approach in giant venous leg ulcers treatment Abstract: In the absence of treatment, chronic venous insufficiency may lead to complications, venous leg ulcer being the...
The significance of laboratory tests in the diagnosis of celiac disease ABSTRACT: Boala celiacă este o afecţiune autoimună care ridică numeroase provocări în ceea ce priveşte...
Abstract: This article focuses on thrombosis caused by plasma abnormalities and identification of these. Until the mid-1980s, the laboratory had little to offer in identifying etiological...