Autor: Prof. Dr. Ioana Gabriela Lupescu

Prof. Dr. Ioana Gabriela Lupescu

UMF Carol Davila, Disciplina Radiologie şi Imagistică Medicală Fundeni
Breast lymphoma – a challenging diagnosis Abstract: Breast lymphoma is a rare tumor, with a prevalence of 0.04-0.7%, due to the limited lymphoid tissue in the...
Multislice CT angiography for brain death diagnosis: role, technical recommendations and structured report Rezumat. De a prezenta şi discuta rolul angiografiei CT multislice (ACTMS) ca şi...
How do we optimize the assessment of hepatobiliary MRI with Acidum Gadoxeticum in cirrhotic or oncological patients? IRM nativ și cu contrast specific hepatocitar (Acidum Gadoxeticum)...