

7 evenimente gasite

Perioada: 15-18 March 2023, Bucharest Dear Friends and Colleagues, The Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine is arriving to its 10th edition and it will be organized...
PERIOADA: 4-7 octombrie 2023, la Sinaia Prof. Univ. Dr. FLORIAN BALTA PREȘEDINTE SOCIETATEA ROMÂNĂ DE OFTALMOLOGIE Catedra de Oftalmologie a Spitalului Clinic de Urgente Oftalmologice București...
Perioada 18 – 21 October, Sinaia Dear SOROT Friends, It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the XXth SOROT Congress on Orthopedics and...
Perioada: 14-16 martie 2024, Hotelul Kronwell, Brașov Dragi colegi, Societatea Română de Glaucom are plăcerea să vă invite la o nouă ediție a congresului său, ce...
Perioada: 21 - 23 March 2024, Kronwell Hotel, Brașov Dear Friends and Colleagues, The 6th Romanian Congress of Nuclear Medicine will take place along with the...
Dear colleagues, It is our great pleasure to invite to the 17th Annual Meeting of the Euro-Asian Bridge Society of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons, to be...