

14 evenimente gasite

  Perioada: 9-11 Martie 2023 Dear Colleagues, Association for Renal, Metabolic and Nutritional Studies (ASRMN) has the honor to invite you to participate at the 9th...
Perioada: 09-11 martie 2023, Cluj-Napoca Dear colleagues and friends, We have the pleasure of inviting you at the Romanian-Italian Gastroenterology Meeting 2023 which will take place...
Perioada: 17-18 martie 2023, online Stimati colegi, Societatea Romana de Pneumologie, alaturi de Societatea Romana de Pediatrie, va invita sa luati parte la prima Conferinta Interdisciplinara...
Perioada: 23 - 25 Martie 2023, Grand Hotel Napoca Dear Friends, It is my great honour to invite you to join us for the 7th ARAR...
Perioada: 23 - 25 Martie 2023 Dragi membri, colegi și parteneri, A trecut un an de când răspândirea rapidă a noului coronavirus, responsabil de Sindromul Respirator...
Dear all, We are inviting you to participate to the Paediatric and Neonatal* Mechanical Ventilation Course, Bucharest, Romania on 30th – 31st of August 2023 (*Neonates...
The European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (ESNM) announces NeuroGASTRO 2023, to be held in Bucharest, Romania, 2023. The programme stands under the motto of “Interdisciplinary...
Stimați colegi, Ne face o plăcere deosebită să vă invităm în perioada 6-7 Martie 2024 la: Pentru mai multe informații: PROGRAM Eveniment susținut cu sprijinul: Pentru...
Perioada: 14-16 Martie 2024, Hotel Crowne Plaza, Bucuresti Dear Colleagues, Association for Renal, Metabolic and Nutritional Studies (ASRMN) has the honor to invite you to participate...
Perioada: 21 - 23 Martie 2024 Dear colleagues, members, and affiliates, Since 2014, Update on Hepatology has earned its reputation as the premier scientific national event...