Autor: Dr. Miorița Toader

Dr. Miorița Toader

Medic primar ORL, Dr. Șt. Med. Sp. Clinic de Urgenţă Pentru Copii „Grigore Alexandrescu“ Bucureşti
Middle ear and inner ear trauma in children Abstract: Traumatic injury to the ear can affect all three of its components and occur at any stage...
Abstract: The larynx is an organ of the respiratory system that connects the pharynx to the trachea. Laryngitis represents inflammation of the larynx due to overuse,...
Venous complications of otomastoid suppurations in children Abstract: Otogenic venous complications are the most common after meningeal complications. These are represented by the phlebitis of the...
Although antibiotic therapy and more careful and systematic otological surveillance in frequency compared to the past, mastoiditis-osteitis of the mastoid apophysis-continues to remain a condition worthy...
Management aspects of pediatric ENT emergencies Abstract: The integrity of the upper respiratory and digestive tracts and the acoustic vestibular apparatus becomes indispensable during chilhood, being...
The importance of the examination in pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Abstract: The otorhinolaryngology examination is the 3rd part of any complete medical examination, along with the other specialized...