Anticoagulant treatment - risks and solutions Abstract. The anticoagulant treatment is an essential component of modern cardiology, managing thrombotic conditions. The use of anticoagulant medication is...
Our approach in giant venous leg ulcers treatment Abstract: In the absence of treatment, chronic venous insufficiency may lead to complications, venous leg ulcer being the...
The role of cardiovascular surgery for management of advanced heart failure ABSTRACT. Heart failure is a complex syndrome caused by functional and structural heart diseases, that...
Conduction system pacing: a new vision on cardiac pacing The implementation and development since 1958 of cardiac pacing revolutionized the treatment of a specific category of...
Abstract: A 54 year old patient, smoker, with known cardiovascular risk factors and low treatment adherence presents himself with typical angina pectoris and minimal EKG changes....
Interviu realizat cu Prof. Univ. Dr. Bogdan Alexandru Popescu, Președintele Societății Române de Cardiologie 2020-2023 În perioada 20-23 septembrie se va desfășura cel de-al 62-lea Congres...