Modernizarea sistemului de sănătate prin digitalizare poate fi un pas important și benefic. Digitalizarea în domeniul sănătății poate aduce o serie de avantaje, inclusiv îmbunătățirea eficienței,...
Communication with cancer patients and their families Communication in the field of medical oncology is not an easy process, for the medical team, and even more...
Passive prisoners in the webs of artificial intelligence algorithms  and the legal permissiveness of gambling advertisements Abstract: Romania has more  than 64,000 gaming machines, compared to...
PanDepression - is a pandemic wave of depression coming? Evenimentele ultimilor ani au determinat o creștere alarmantă a numărului de cazuri de burnout, tulburări de somn,...
Hypnosis in pain management Abstract: Hypnosis has a long history in the treatment of pain and is one of the most recognized non-pharmacological techniques for its...
Clinical Presentation Heterogeneity of Psychiatric Affections in Huntington Disease Abstract: Huntington’s disease (HD) also known as Huntington’s chorea, is an inherited incurable disease that causes the...
Interviu realizat cu Șef Lucrări Dr. Ana Giurgiuca, Președinte ARPP Stimată doamnă doctor, a XV-a ediție a Conferinței A.R.P.P. are ca temă centrală “Multidisciplinaritatea și continuitatea...
Post-endoscopy management of the cirrhotic patient with gastrointestinal bleeding. Treatment of neurological dysfunction Introducere Digestive haemorrhage in the case of cirrhotic patients represents a serious complication...
Anesthesia for awake craniotomy in pediatric patients Abstract: Awake craniotomy with direct cortical stimulation and mapping is the gold standard for resection of lesions near to...