Passive prisoners in the webs of artificial intelligence algorithms  and the legal permissiveness of gambling advertisements Abstract: Romania has more  than 64,000 gaming machines, compared to...
PanDepression - is a pandemic wave of depression coming? Evenimentele ultimilor ani au determinat o creștere alarmantă a numărului de cazuri de burnout, tulburări de somn,...
Hypnosis in pain management Abstract: Hypnosis has a long history in the treatment of pain and is one of the most recognized non-pharmacological techniques for its...
Clinical Presentation Heterogeneity of Psychiatric Affections in Huntington Disease Abstract: Huntington’s disease (HD) also known as Huntington’s chorea, is an inherited incurable disease that causes the...
Interviu realizat cu Șef Lucrări Dr. Ana Giurgiuca, Președinte ARPP Stimată doamnă doctor, a XV-a ediție a Conferinței A.R.P.P. are ca temă centrală “Multidisciplinaritatea și continuitatea...
The importance of the examination in pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Abstract: The otorhinolaryngology examination is the 3rd part of any complete medical examination, along with the other specialized...