Our approach in giant venous leg ulcers treatment Abstract: In the absence of treatment, chronic venous insufficiency may lead to complications, venous leg ulcer being the...
Juvenile localized scleroderma Scleroderma represents a rare disease affecting the skin and the connective tissue. It encompasses a series of pathophysiological changes, the main cause being...
Abstract: Sindromul Lynch reprezintă cea mai frecventă predispoziție genetică a adultului tânăr spre a dezvolta o serie de cancere localizate preponderent la nivelul epiteliilor cu un...
Abstract: Considering that melanoma is still the most dangerous skin cancer, the primary goal of this research was the clinical, histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of an...
The complexity of the clinical presentation of DRESS syndrome Abstract: Drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) is a severe, idiosyncratic, drug hypersensitivity reaction characterized...
Skin ageing: causes and methods of slowing down this process Abstract: Skin aging is one of the most debated topics at the moment, as a result...
Role of skin and gut microbiome in atopic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory chronic cutaneous disease characterized by dry skin and intense pruritus. It is...
Vitiligo-ul este definit ca o dermatoză cu predispoziție genetică, în cadrul căreia celulele pigmentogene sunt inhibate în funcția lor de a produce pigment. Inhibiția se realizează...
Abstract: It is generaly accepted that stem cells are at the origin of cancers, including cutaneous ones. Every different types of cells of the skin and...
Abstract: With the onset of the COVID pandemic, a new pathology emerged in the pediatric field, namely the Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2,...