Abstract: The procedure of transobturator tape placement is now considered the ”gold-standard” in the treatment of urinary incontinence. Transperineal ultrasound evaluation allows imaging of the mesh...
How do we optimize the assessment of hepatobiliary MRI with Acidum Gadoxeticum in cirrhotic or oncological patients? IRM nativ și cu contrast specific hepatocitar (Acidum Gadoxeticum)...
Angioplastia transluminală percutana este o procedură de recanalizare a arterelor stenozate sau trombozate folosind un cateter cu balon pentru dilatarea acestora. Dacă este necesar, se implantează...
Diagnostic challenges of ischaemic vertebro-basillary syndromes Abstract. Aim of this study The aim of the study is to showcase the importance of the CT and MRI...
Interviu realizat împreună cu președintele SRIMR, Prof. Dr. Ioana Andreea Gheonea Evoluția spectaculoasă a medicinei în ultimii 20 de ani este cu siguranță mai vizibilă în...
Communication with cancer patients and their families Communication in the field of medical oncology is not an easy process, for the medical team, and even more...
Passive prisoners in the webs of artificial intelligence algorithms  and the legal permissiveness of gambling advertisements Abstract: Romania has more  than 64,000 gaming machines, compared to...
PanDepression - is a pandemic wave of depression coming? Evenimentele ultimilor ani au determinat o creștere alarmantă a numărului de cazuri de burnout, tulburări de somn,...
Hypnosis in pain management Abstract: Hypnosis has a long history in the treatment of pain and is one of the most recognized non-pharmacological techniques for its...
Clinical Presentation Heterogeneity of Psychiatric Affections in Huntington Disease Abstract: Huntington’s disease (HD) also known as Huntington’s chorea, is an inherited incurable disease that causes the...