Abstract: Infective endocarditis is a pathology with a persistently high risk of disabling complications and death, whose mortality has remained unchanged in recent decades, despite all...
Abstract: 77-year-old patient, with chronic coronary syndrome, is admitted to the emergency department with fatigue, bilateral leg edema and dyspnea that has been occurring for approximately...
ABSTRACT Anevrismele aortei abdominale (AAA) reprezintă o condiție patologică, care prin evoluția lor amenință viața pacienților. În lipsa tratamentului adecvat, se consideră că aproximativ 30% dintre...
The Pediatric Cardiologist and the Arrhythmias of Child outpatients Abstract. The global incidence of arrhythmias for the pediatric population is estimated at 55/100000, in the pediatric...
Sumar al recomandărilor Recent publicat, Ghidul ESH pentru managementul hipertensiunii arteriale marchează a 20-a aniversare de la publicarea primului Ghid al ESH în 2003, în urma...
Arterele carotide reprezintă o pereche de vase vitale ce își au originea la nivelul crosei aortice și trunchiului brahiocefalic, jucând un rol esențial în menținerea perfuziei...
Sclerotherapy in chronic venous disease treatment – latest guidelines and clinical considerations Abstract. Sclerotherapy is a therapeutic option frequently used in various stages of chronic venous...
Abstract: In recent years, new technologies have appeared that represent effective alternatives to the classic methods. The diode laser has revolutionized the minimally invasive techniques through...
Common femoral artery – the final frontier in peripheral endovascular treatment? Abstract: During the last decade the endovascular approach became the first treatment option in patients...
The first reports of hybrid surgery were in 1970. Since then, their numbers have grown exponentially with the development of endovascular techniques. The procedures were initially...